I am an “AV” rated attorney with over 40 years of experience. After being a partner with a major Los Angeles based national real estate law firm for many years, I now offer big firm experience at boutique firm rates. I specialize in all aspects of real estate transactional work including acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures, secured loans and business entity formation.

Law Office of David Lewis
Professional Corporation
1801 Century Park East
Suite 2500
Los Angeles, California 90067
Phone: (310) 312 – 8077 / Fax: (310) 312 – 8171
Email: [email protected]

To make this website interesting and informative, I have included links to articles that I have written recently. Of course, no-one hires an attorney based on articles they have authored, but I hope that in this way you’ll get a sense of my approach which, in general, is to pay attention to details without getting lost in them.
My most important marketing tool is client satisfaction. I have found that this comes through adherence to the following principles:
Deadlines. One complaint that I hear most frequently from clients who come to me from other firms is that their existing attorneys miss deadlines when work is promised. My commitment to you is that I will not miss your deadlines. Ever.
Results. I often hear clients say that they are looking for a lawyer who is “tough”. What they are really looking for, however, is one who will get them the results that they want. While I will not hesitate to be aggressive when the facts warrant it, when dealing with reasonable people it is my experience that an “in your face” approach only creates friction and unnecessarily protracted negotiations.
Courtesy. There is no excuse for rudeness in the practice of law. This encompasses not just good manners, but also having consideration for your time. I value yours as much as my own. I will never put you on hold, literally or metaphorically. I also believe that it is essential to show up on time for meetings and to return phone calls promptly (usually the same day) because it is unpardonably rude not to.
Efficient Communication. I will make all of my communications with you as productive as possible. For example, if you are proposing to buy real estate and you send me a copy of the purchase agreement that the seller has asked you to sign then, rather than sending you a memorandum describing the issues or having a lengthy telephone conversation, I’ll mark up the document with specific comments which are typewriter ready if the seller agrees with them. Another example where I use the same approach would be where the client is entering into a lease negotiation with a landlord – in this case I would mark up the lease with my proposed revisions. This is simply designed to get to the end product – an agreement that both parties are willing to sign – in as short a time and with as little cost as possible.
Teamwork. You are the decision maker; while I am here to advise, I am not here to insist or to demand. Clients often are presented with business opportunities that do not lend themselves well to extensive negotiation. In such situations, I will advise you where the risks lie, so that you can decide whether or not they are worth taking. And, of course, whenever possible I will suggest alternative strategies or ideas so as to avoid deadlocks or future problems.
Value. The cost of legal services is always a sensitive issue. I often point out to new clients that if they needed dental work, they wouldn’t choose the cheapest dentist they could find. The reason is obvious: sometimes one is looking to work up to a standard rather than down to a price. That said, you do want the work done without unnecessary expense. I will always get the job done as efficiently as possible and will produce detailed bills every month so that you can see exactly what I have been doing for you. And you will be pleased to know that my billing rates are approximately 40% less than they would be if I were still a partner with a large law firm. Value based or fixed fee billing arrangements are also available.

The following is a list of the kinds of transaction that I am typically involved in:
Acquisitions and Dispositions – including like kind exchanges.
Leasing – landlord and tenant representation in negotiating commercial, industrial, and retail leases.
Development – joint ventures, pre-development agreements, contribution and development agreements, AIA construction and consulting agreements, reciprocal easement agreements and CC&R’s.
Entity formation – general and limited partnership and LLC formation, including partnership and operating agreements, corporations and shareholder agreements.
Lending – construction and permanent loans, workouts with problem loan situations and foreclosures.
Business – purchase and sale of businesses, employment agreements, non-compete covenants and confidentiality agreements.
Financing – seller financing, earnout agreements, ground leases, participating ground leases, sale and leasebacks.
Brokers – listing agreements (sale and lease); exclusive brokerage agreements; agreements with finders.
Consulting Agreements – representation of consultants including sellers of businesses.

My recent transactions have included the following:
- Closing several commercial, multi-family and industrial real estate loans and loan modifications on behalf of an out of state bank and an out of state life insurance company. The loans have included land acquisition, construction, and refinancing;
- Advising out of state lending clients on the impact and ramifications of California-specific laws, including the one form of action rule and issues relating to community property law;
- Closing commercial real estate loan transactions on behalf of borrower clients, including negotiations for opinion letters;
- Handling several purchases and sales of commercial and industrial real property, including an office building and a development site (both in downtown Los Angeles), and a Warner Center industrial building, from advice re structuring of the transaction, negotiation of letters of intent and purchase and sale agreements, through to closing the transactions;
- Negotiating shopping center leases for tenants, including on behalf of a well-known California based fast food restaurant chain;
- Representing business clients in connection with license agreements, employment agreements, national and international consulting agreements, and intellectual property transactions;
- Negotiating shopping center leases for a California shopping center developer;
- Negotiating office building leases on behalf of tenants;
- Negotiating sign removal/relocation agreement for developer client;
- Negotiating leasing brokerage commission agreements for developer clients;
- Representing California hard money lender with particular focus on borrower authorization issues;
- Advising developer client in limited liability company operating agreement negotiations with an investor;
- Advising clients in negotiations for architect’s and contractor’s agreements for the design and construction or substantial renovation of residences; and
- Negotiating shareholder agreements in connection with the formation of corporations, and operating agreements for limited liability companies.

To read an article click on a title link from the list below:
Due Diligence or What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
Can You Handle Your Next Lease Negotiation Alone?

The material on this Website is general information only. It is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
I practice law only in jurisdictions where I am authorized to practice. I do not seek to represent anyone in any jurisdiction where this website does not comply with applicable laws and bar rules. PLEASE DO NOT send me any information that you regard as privileged or confidential unless I first agree in writing that you may do so.
Copyright © 2024 by David J. Lewis. All rights reserved. You may reproduce materials available at this site, without modification, for your own personal use, and for non-commercial distribution. All copies must include this copyright statement.
Photographer: Michael Bezjian